Wiktor Doktór

Speaker, podcaster, published author – it’s a big part of my professional life, which not only makes me happy, but also supports many other people.


I am an incorrigible optimist who has almost always been guided by the principle “to want is to be able to”. Since the late 1990s, I have been active professionally and have been developing my craft of using knowledge, words and business sovoir-vivre.

My parents taught me to respectfully relate to other people, listen to them and help them, hence deep in my heart I have forged high morals and ethics that accompany me every day.

I am a podcaster, author of texts, interviews, audio and video materials. I conduct conferences, moderate panel discussions and share my expertise at events in Poland, Europe and the world. I head the Pro Progressio Club and FOCUS ON Business media, where on a daily basis, together with my Team, I carry out the mission of supporting in the development of many companies, local government and academic organizations.

Privately, I am a fulfilled husband, a father of two (now adult) children, a son of parents from whom I learned ethical living, passionate about good cuisine and conversations with smart people.

Wiktor ubrany elegancko, siedzący na fotelu i patrzący przed siebie


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