My story

Hi, my name is Victor Doktor and I have been talking to people and performing in public all my life. It all started with scout camps and colonies, where I often took part in various academies, meetings and other initiatives that required communicating with young people.

I played a role in class and school governments, where communication and conveying information to various groups of interest was a daily thing.

I participated in a Sprite commercial in the 1990s … yes, I look a little different now than I did then, but the commercial is still floating around the Internet, so you can find it for yourself … I wonder if you recognize me.

In my professional life path, I have always been interested in relationships with people and hence my involvement in customer service activities. I have stood at the head of customer service offices in industries such as banking, telecommunications, media, construction and BPO sectors. The work required constant communication with people, listening, analyzing and speaking. Discussing issues, resolving conflicts, motivating, finding solutions and sometimes explaining situations. This is a good school of life, thanks to which I have built a workshop of how to talk to people and speak to people.

I am no celebrity or someone on the front pages of newspapers bragging about my achievements. I am a practitioner who knows how to listen to people and speak to them, whether we are talking about a face-to-face meeting or conferences of several thousand people. Alone with my Pro Progressio Team, I have already organized dozens of such conferences.

There’s no denying that I enjoy speaking and talking to people. In four years I recorded more than 1,000 episodes of various podcasts, in which my guests and I discussed hundreds of different topics. Recording podcasts and constantly improving my craft of speaking to and talking with people was something I learned on my own, and I’m still learning it by reading lots of books and listening to people who are my role models.

Over the years I have conducted business breakfasts, networking meetings, conferences, conventions, business galas, competitions, public speaking training, and even office building opening ceremonies. A little of this has accumulated and is still accumulating.

In a word, I like to have fun, connect the dots and listen to what others say. From what people around me tell me, I also have a good sense of humor, which makes the way I talk to people not stiff.

Professionally, I head Pro Progressio, an organization that brings together and supports many companies in their daily business reality. I am also the owner and publisher of FOCUS ON Business media and a podcaster recording a lot of valuable business content.

Privately, I am a husband, a father of two now grown children, a son of wonderful parents, and a brother. I like to cook and enjoy good food … one of the learned professions I have on my record is chef, but also waiter and bartender. By the way, being a waiter and bartender teaches you a lot about talking to people. I like to read business books, crime fiction and fantasy. I enjoy scuba diving and spending time with my family and friends.

That’s probably so much about me.

If you’d like to benefit from my knowledge of how to speak to people, how to be comfortable on stage, or if you’d like to record a podcast with me or learn how to create your own podcasts, then let me know. I’ll be happy to help you with that.

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