Here you will find recordings of all the podcasts.
„BSS bez tajemnic”, „Good morning BSS World”, ” Zaczytany, zasłuchany”.
Are you a visual learner? Do you like to see what you’re listening to?
You’ll find it all here – in one place.
Here you will find recordings of all the podcasts.
„BSS bez tajemnic”, „Good morning BSS World”, ” Zaczytany, zasłuchany”.
Are you a visual learner? Do you like to see what you’re listening to?
You’ll find it all here – in one place.
The BSS bez tajemnic podcast is a broadcast about modern business services. There are both solo and guest episodes with experts from fields such as sales, marketing, HR, work ergonomics or management, and law and finance.
A playlist of the podcast episodes can be found below.
Good Morning BSS World is a podcast dedicated to modern business services, outsourcing and shared service centres. Wiktor Doktor meets people from all around the World and discusses trends and challenges of the BSS industry.
A playlist of the podcast episodes can be found below.
Zaczytany Zasłuchany is a podcast about books and audiobooks worth watching. In this podcast, I do a subjective review of books I have read and share my opinion on them.
A playlist of the podcast episodes can be found below.
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